Monday, January 25, 2010


Well, it's monday afternoon and I'm sitting here contemplating the fact that in less than four days I will be in the 'Rainbow Nation'. The last week has been a blur of finishing work, tying up loose ends with the condo remodel and my brother's car, (which by the way has been heaven sent, thanks guys!!!), saying goodbye to many dear friends in the DC area and packing two years into an 80 lb luggage limit. As I'm getting ready to leave, I've been thinking about the incredible three years spent in DC. What an amazing experience it's been! I've been blessed to be able to spend the last 2 1/2 years working with amazing and generous co workers at NAPHS, and a compassionate Landlady. I've lived with many talented and fun roommates. Met countless inspiring people in the church ward I attend. I'm going to miss DC and all those I'm leaving behind. I'll be back! I'm already planning to return after my Peace Corps service and hope to find some familiar faces still here :)

We reaceived more information from Peace Corps regarding where our two month training will be taking place. We will be located about 2 hours northeast of Pretoria. Our training room is located on a nature preserve and a current Peace Corps volunteer was kind enough to post some pictures for us. It's beautiful!!!!! I need to figure out how to post photos on here....

We also received a letter to give to family and friends. So, I've pasted it below. Well, I've gotta get on with packing....


January 2010

Dear Families and Friends,

Greetings from the South Africa Desk at the U.S. Peace Corps in Washington, D.C.! It is with great pleasure that we welcome you to the Peace Corps circle of friendship. We receive many questions from family members and friends of Volunteers about life in South Africa, so we would like to offer you advice and assistance in advance.

1. Irregular Communication. (Please see #3 for the mailing address to Peace Corps' office in Pretoria, the capital of South Africa) Mail from the United States to Pretoria is fairly reliable; however, mail service within South Africa is not as efficient and reliable. There is enormous variation in the time it takes for mail and packages to arrive at Volunteers’ sites. Generally, Volunteers find that they receive mail and packages from the United States two to four weeks after it has been sent. The same is true for sending mail from South Africa. Of course, there are exceptional cases in which a letter or a package might arrive within a shorter period or be substantially delayed. Some mail simply may not arrive. The destination of mail for Volunteers is as varied as the length of time it takes for mail to arrive.

We suggest that in your first letters you ask the Volunteer to give an estimate of how long it takes for him/her to receive your letters, and then try to establish a predictable pattern of how often you will write to each other. Also, try numbering your letters so that the Volunteer knows if he/she has missed one.

Being a Peace Corps Volunteer is a rewarding experience; however, there will also be times when Volunteers may write home telling of their "war" stories. Letters might describe recent illnesses, frustration with work, isolation, lack of resources, etc. While the subject matter may be good reading material, it can often be misinterpreted on the home front. Volunteers have a wonderful support network in-country that includes counterparts and community members at their site, other Peace Corps Volunteers, as well as Peace Corps/South Africa staff. The Peace Corps’ highest priority is maintaining the health and safety of every Volunteer. Peace Corps/South Africa maintains a medical unit in Pretoria with two full-time medical officers, who care for the Volunteers’ primary health care needs. If the Volunteer requires medical care that is not available in South Africa, he/she will be medically evacuated to the United States. Fortunately, these are rare circumstances.

If for some reason your communication pattern is broken and you do not hear from your family member, you may want to contact the South Africa Desk or the Office of Special Services (OSS) at Peace Corps Washington at 1-800-424-8580, extension 1470. Also, in the case of an emergency at home (death in the family, sudden critical illness, etc.), please do not hesitate to call OSS immediately, so that a message can be sent to the Volunteer. Use the above number during regular business hours (9:00 am to 5:00 pm Eastern Time, Monday through Friday). After hours, or during weekends, the Peace Corps Duty Officer may be reached at (202) 692-1470 and you will be transferred to an answering service. Tell the operator your name, telephone number, and the nature of the emergency and the Peace Corps Duty Officer will call you back.

2. Telephone Calls. The telephone system in South Africa is relatively good and service in and out of Pretoria to the United States is mostly reliable. In the interior of the country, where most of the Volunteers are located, phones are fewer in number and of decreased reliability. Volunteers do not have residential phones; however, many Volunteers choose to buy cell phones or use public phones to make and receive international calls. They will be able to inform you of the actual telephone numbers and the reliability of telephone service once they arrive at their permanent sites in the country.

The South Africa Desk maintains regular contact with the Peace Corps office in Pretoria through phone calls and e-mail. However, these communication lines are reserved for business only and cannot be used to relay personal messages. All communication between family members and the Volunteer should be done via international mail, personal phone calls, or e-mail. Many Volunteers are able to access e-mail at Internet cafes in larger cities and towns on a weekly or monthly basis, depending on their location.

3. Sending packages. Parents and Volunteers like to send and receive care packages through the mail. Unfortunately, sending packages can be a frustrating experience for all involved due to occasional thefts and heavy customs taxes. You may want to try to send inexpensive items through the mail, but there is no guarantee that these items will arrive. Even though many Volunteers choose to get local post office boxes, you may also use the following address to send letters and/or packages:

Name of Volunteer, PCV
U. S. Peace Corps
PO Box 9536

It is recommended that packages be sent in padded envelopes or bubble envelopes if possible, as boxes tend to be taxed more frequently and might pose as a greater target for theft. For lightweight but important items (e.g. airline tickets), DHL (an express mail service) does operate in Pretoria. If you choose to send items through DHL, you must address the package to:
Country Director
c/o: U. S. Peace Corps
126 Verdoorn Street

The phone number for the Peace Corps office in South Africa is (27) 12-344-4255, as DHL will need this information. If you send the item to the Country Director, no liability can be assumed. For more information about DHL, please call their toll free number, 1-800-CALL-DHL, or visit their web site at Other courier services may operate in Pretoria - DHL is only one possibility.

We hope this information is helpful to you during the time your family member or friend is serving as a Peace Corps Volunteer in South Africa. We understand how frustrating it is to communicate with your family member overseas and we appreciate your using this information as a guideline. Please feel free to contact us at the South Africa Desk in Washington, D.C. if you have any further questions. Our phone number is 1-800-424-8580, ext. 2331, or locally, 202-692-2331.


Fernando Moyle
South Africa Country Desk Officer

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Fighting - 20 Days to go

Well, as luck would have it, I think I'm coming down with something. I've been trying to fight this off for a while now and still determined to beat it. A bad sleeping schedule, holiday sugar and being ultra busy don't lend to good health. This is definitely NOT good timing, too much to do and only 20 days to do it in.

Right now i'm trying to figure out what to pack. We only have an 80 lb luggage allowance. One thing, though, is that South Africa is unique to other countries the Peace Corps goes to, in that the larger cities have anything and everything that you could find in the US or any other 1st world country. So do I buy here or buy there? Do I want to spend my living allowance or my savings? What if I already have it but it weighs a ton? Do I buy a camp shower or do I just do the bucket bath? Should I take a laundry plunger or just use my hands? What type of Jacket should I get? A wind breaker? A Rain Coat? What about a sleeping bag? Some PCV (Peace Corps Volunteers) say take it, others say they never used it. Oh and what about a solar powered battery charger? Gah! To many choices to make! :)