Tuesday, August 31, 2010

March 5th, 2010

I thought I'd give you a brief glimpse of my schedule the next few weeks.

Tomorrow we find out about our permanent sites and about the NGO's we'll be working for. YAY!!!!!!!

Sat we go to Pretoria to the Vortrekker museum.

Sunday we are holding a village 5k fun run to raise some money for the home care clinic in the next town. This might be utter chaos since they only informed us that we would be doing it this last Friday. We are scrambling to pull it together. Upwards of 2 thousand people may attend. Gah!!!!!

Monday we have language and get out early to pack for our week long site visit. We meet our supervisors on Tuesday and spend the night at Kwandebele College where we first stayed when we arrived in country. Wednesday at lunch we head to our individual sites with our supervisors. We will be making our own way back to Machipe on the following Monday.

We have classes Tuesday-Thursday. Friday we go to Pretoria to do all our shopping for our site I.e. Fridge, pots, plates etc.

Saturday we have our last language class.

Sun the 21st we have our Host family farewell.

Monday- Wednesday we have our language tests etc then on Thursday the 25th we have our swearing in ceremony where we officially become PC volunteers(PCV) instead of PC trainee's (PCT). Yahoo!!!!!! :)

Then it's off to our sites for the next two years. I found out the close of service (COS) is on March 24th 2012. So it's really 26 months not 27 :) unless I decide to extend for some reason.....

Sala kahle!!!!

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